Alchemy For Now Transformational Cards
‘The mystical secrets that hide within the silent whispers of the wind, the glorious dance of the peacock, and the exquisite perfume of the rose, now rise to meet me as I dare to fan the flames of a longing that seeps from my soul. It is in this moment that I embrace the essence of who I am, and slowly I rediscover my oneness with all of creation.’ Geraldine .
These powerful cards present to you the opportunity to create a golden thought, a golden feeling or a golden dream – whatever you can imagine! These cards unlock the secrets of ancient Alchemists which will assist you in finding solutions to those questions that require meaningful answers. In the amazing golden era which is upon us, you can become attuned to a greater understanding of yourself and others with the daily use of these cards and the accompanying guide booklet. You now have the ability to turn your inner gold into outer wealth, health and happiness.