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We are so excited to invite you to join us on our travels around Australia.

We will not only be sharing all the practical side of what it takes to be nomads on our vast continent, but also the wisdom and insights gathered as we travel.. 

We see our journey as a way of deepening our personal and spiritual understanding of self. In sharing these insights, we hope that you too may take the time to reflect on your own journey of self discovery.

Please feel free to wander through the pages and enjoy our Blogs and Stories, Radio Podcasts, Messages from Mother Nature, and any Products that feel right and perfect for you.

Our Australian Travels

Australia is a vast continent! In order to make the most of our travels, and see as much as we can, we will be visiting one state at a time. We currently live in Victoria which is way down south, and next door to the state of South Australia which is where our journey begins.

We are new to caravan living, but looking forward to experiencing all that it has to offer – a simple nomadic lifestyle, making new friends, and finding ‘out of the way’ places to stay.

If you would like to experience the places we visit without the travel, our video blogs are just a click away.

Video Blog