Our focus for this week is all about ‘Your Power Within’. Time to get to know the real you power, and learn how to use this power for the greater good of both yourself and all those around you. When you begin to take hold of your power and guide it with wisdom and understanding, you will begin to fly like never before.
There are 3 types of power that I would love to chat about during this show:
. spirit power
. personal power
. & will power
By connecting to all 3 and learning to ask better questions around these, you are well on your way to getting to know you and your world in much bigger and better ways … and creating the desires of your heart!
My ‘Walk On Water Moment’ guest for this week is: Cici Dotson
Cici tells of the moment when she realised that she had the power to heal her hearing by simply accepting her unique giftedness. She finally embraced her intuitive gift and enjoyed the amazing outcomes! This is one not to be missed! If you wish to see more of Cici’s work, may I suggest you pop over to her website: www.bridgeways2balance.com